Torah Readers Reflections

Summary of Miketz

The parasha of Miketz is the second of four parshiot that deals with the story of Joseph. In this installment we follow Joseph's rags to riches story. From prison to the the position of viceroy of Egypt - second only to Pharaoh.
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The portion opens with Joseph languishing in prison for two extra years following his interpretation of the butler's dream. Pharaoh has his two dreams and none of his aids can successfully interpret them. It is at this point that the butler remembers Joseph.

Joseph is washed, clothed and brought before Pharaoh where he successfully interprets the dream. and makes suggestions of how to manage the impending famine.

Joseph is made viceroy of Egypt, second only to Pharaoh.

The seven years of famine begin, and the only food available is in Egypt. Joseph's brothers come to Egypt looking for food and brought before Joseph. Joseph recognizes the brothers however they don't recognize him. He accuses them of treachery and imprisons them for three days.

Joseph demands that Benjamin be brought to Egypt and keeps Shimon as a hostage. The brothers return and tell Jacob of the demand however Jacob is unwilling to send Benjamin with them. The increasing famine forces Jacob to concede. Judah guarantees that Benjamin will be safe, and the brothers return to Egypt.

The brothers are reunited with Shimon and invited to eat at the table of Joseph. All appears to be forgiven and Joseph sees Benjamin for the first time in 22 years. Joseph implements a plot against his brothers. He has his cup planted in Benjamin's saddlebag forcing the brothers to return to Egypt and face a very angry Joseph.


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